Master's Program in Visual Communication (M.Des.)
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Registration is now open for graduate programs at Bezalel for the academic year 2025–26.
For details and registration>>
We live in a time that is often defined by the constant acceleration of cultural and technological changes. New technologies and the social transformations associated with them lead to the spread and intensification of visual space – and at the same time, of the growing opportunities to those engaged in visual communication. Simultaneously, there is increasing recognition of the public and economic power of designers’ creativity and innovation wherever they operate.
Bezalel’s graduate program in visual communication, the only one of its kind in Israel, acts as a groundbreaking incubator for the creation of innovative projects in the field. The program is designed to help students develop their professional expertise and acquire new skills that will enable them to act as agents of change in the visual, cultural and technological spaces of the 21st century. At the core of the program is a practice-based research project that students originate with experts from the areas of visual communication, theory and technology.
The program’s synthesis of theory and practice encourages students to develop a profoundly critical position in their field and expand its boundaries by incorporating precision, initiative and daring into their thinking and work.
The program has received local and global recognition for the outstanding artistry of its graduates – among them, the quality of their contributions to international collaborations and the creativity of their works, which are exhibited and screened at important festivals at home and abroad.