Sexual Harassment Prevention
מניעת הטרדה מינית
منع التحرش الجنسي
Bezalel community is committed to maintaining a safe and encouraging space for all of its members. The core values of our community are equality, pluralism, and mutual respect.
To achieve that, we have the duty and responsibility to act resolutely to prevent sexual misconduct, harassment, and/or assault and to ensure a safe and fair space for people of all genders.
Please note that further important information on this subject is available in the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law (in English) and in the Academy Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (in Hebrew). The purpose of this page is to introduce the main points and contact details of the relevant officials (listed below).
If you have been assaulted, sexually harassed, or exposed to sexual misconduct, you have several possible courses of action:
1. Filing an identified or anonymous complaint to the Ombudsperson for Sexual Harassment and Assault (detailed explanation and contact details follow).
2. Since sexual harassment is a criminal offense, you can file a complaint with the police.
3. Since sexual harassment is a civil tort, compensation and other remedies can be claimed in a civil proceeding.
Bezalel Sexual Misconduct Policy
Sexual misconduct, harassment, and/or assault, whether by a student, faculty member, or a member of the administrative staff, constitutes a disciplinary violation.
If you have been sexually harassed or assaulted at the academy or a site where the academy’s activity takes place, or by a person in position of authority, as a student or an employee at Bezalel, you can file a complaint to Bezalel Ombudsperson for Sexual Harassment and Assault.
The Ombudsperson is obligated to examine all complaints reported to him or her. In the first stage, they will examine whether there is suspicion of sexual misconduct. If so, the Ombudsperson will make inquiries and ultimately decide whether to bring the complaint before the relevant disciplinary tribunal.
In the complaint inquiry process, all efforts will be made to protect the privacy of those involved as much as possible.
Complaint Handling
Sexual misconduct complaints are of the utmost importance in eradicating this phenomenon, and at the same time, the procedure of filing a complaint is not simple, and regrettably, have been known to lead to underreporting. We would like you to know that:
- We are committed to protecting you in the event of filing a complaint.
- Harassment due to filing a sexual misconduct complaint also constitutes an offense under the law.
- In the case that the Ombudsperson has decided to dismiss the complaint, you can appeal the decision to the President of the Academy.
Supportive measures:
Dealing with sexual harassment can be difficult and complex. We would like you to know that you have several channels of support and aid to help you through this.
The Dean of Students Office offers personal counseling and support channels – contact details below.
The Student Union is currently forming CALMA – community for the prevention of sexual misconduct, which will be able to counsel and assist you – contact details below.
Non-academic help services and hotlines: The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, ERAN Association
More info:
- Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law
- Academy Guidelines for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (in Hebrew)
- You can contact the Bezalel Ombudsperson for Sexual Harassment and Assault for information – contact details below.
- You can contact the Dean of Students or the Student Union for information – contact information below.
Who should I contact?
Bezalel Ombudsperson for Sexual Harassment and Assault team includes Ombudspersons from the academic and administrative staff of different genders, in order to help you consult or file a complaint with them.
You can choose which of the Ombudspersons you prefer to contact.
You can also file an anonymous complaint with the Ombudsperson via the grievance box at the secretariat of the Department of Visual and Material Culture, through the Student Union or any other party.
Bezalel Ombudspersons for Sexual Harassment and Assault:
David Adika, Head of the Photography Department (Mount Scopus, 8th floor) 052-3923239,
Talia Israeli, lecturer in the Fine Art Department and coordinator of Art Studies in the Orthodox Extension,
Keren Dror Davidof, Head of Administrative Staff, Human Resources Department,
Further contact details:
Shelly Hershko, Dean of Students (8th floor, Mount Scopus)
Noa Goldblat, academic coordinator, Student Union (7th floor, Mount Scopus)