Master's Program in Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
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برنامج اللقب الثاني في الفنون
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Registration is now open for graduate programs at Bezalel for the academic year 2025–26.
Bezalel’s Master’s Program in Fine Arts (M.F.A.) is the Academy’s oldest and most sought-after master’s degree. As the only studio-based program in the region, acceptance is highly competitive. The program acts as an incubator, offering promising emerging artists a unique opportunity to refine their talents as they strive to create an original, focused and experimental body of work.
Bezalel’s M.F.A. stresses that artists do not operate in a vacuum – rather that art is forever informed by the intellectual, moral and cultural climate of the time and place where it is created. This is compounded by the distinctive location in which the program operates reinforces this important viewpoint and the program’s identity. Theory studies and workshops take place on Bezalel’s main campus in Jerusalem, while the individual studio spaces are located in a former textile factory in southern Tel Aviv. This area is a melting pot of immigrants and locals, culturally and economically varied; a semi-industrial neighborhood set amidst centuries-old Jewish, Muslim and Christian sites.
Alongside the local context, the program highlights the global reality and framework in which the young artists operate, offering them a wide spectrum of international collaborations with peer programs, lecturers and leading artists. Throughout their time at the Academy, students are mentored by the program’s multicultural faculty along with local and international artists, while sharing their distinct perspectives within the diverse student body. These meaningful and fruitful encounters often result in innovative and insightful professional cooperation and partnerships – partnerships that continue well past graduation.
The program offers students full academic freedom along with exposure to a wide range of conceptual and artistic perspectives, to help them sharpen their critical point of view and comparative analytic skills. At the same time, the MFA presents its students with the practical skills they will need to pave their way in the art world and beyond it, as dynamic and relevant artists and as socially, politically engaged and active citizens of the world.
Contact us
Master's Program in Fine Arts (MFA)
119 Herzl Street, Tel-Aviv, 6655518 | +972(0)36824082
Tamar Eres
Coordinator of the Master's Program in Fine Arts (MFA)