Efrat Shalem | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Efrat Shalem

Born in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Senior lecturer at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Efrat Shalem has exhibited widely in numerous institutions and galleries around the world.

2003-2005 Visiting Scholar, Art Department, University of California Los Angeles
2000-2003 MFA Magna Cum Laude, The Department of Film and Television at the Faculty of Arts, Tel-Aviv University
1998-1999 Honors Year, Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem
1994-1998 BFA Cum Laude, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem,
The Photography Department

Awards and Grants:
2004 The Overseas Study Grant, America – Israel Cultural Foundation
2002 The Fund for Video-Art and Experimental Cinema in Israel,
The Center for Contemporary Art, Israel
2002 Sharett Scholarship Program, America – Israel Cultural Foundation
1999 Young Artist Prize, awarded by the Israel Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport
1997 Excellence award granted by the Department of Photography, Video and Computer Imaging, Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem

The Tel-Aviv Museum of Art
The Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Brandeis University, MA, USA
The Israeli Parliament – Knesset
The Israel Ministry of Education and Culture
ORS Israel
Private Collections (Israel, USA, Europe)

אפרת שלם - עבודה
Villa Viva, C-Print