Connected devices- IoE the internet of everything. | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Connected devices- IoE the internet of everything.

Total Hours
Semester A
Course Day
Time 14:00 - 17:00


The course explores the implications of the expanding trend where objects, devices, environments and even the human body is connected to the network and is driven by data and “smart” applications.

Students are invited to respond to the topics discussed and propose, conceptualize and speculate on new products and applicartions for the current era and near future. (speculative design is a topic we will discuss). In this course we will get acquainted with the significant phenomenas that are driving this transformative era and investigate the changes and roles designers will need to adopt to establish an influential position for delivering interactions and experiences - be it as architects, product designers, wearable devices designers, artists…

Arguably there is a new shift on its way. 5G networks are spreading and providing highspeed connectivity, AI continuous to deepen it’s roots in everything thats connected. Blockchain technology is disrupting financial foundations and introducing NFT value on anything that is digital…These are exposing new opportunities but also ethical challenges influencing privacy, communities, and society in general..

The course will be conducted remotely amd will provide an extended learning format that will expose live and recorded interactions and phenomenon from the urban space in Tokyo.

We will invite design leaders and scholars from Tokyo, Shanghai and, Bangkok to respond to and share opinions.

The course does not require tech proficiency but does require students to be curious and have reasonable know-how with the common tools for remote learning and communicating online.