Workshop | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem


Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 13:00

New use of concrete, novel workflows with glass and efforts to build with steel: architects throughout history asked to expand the fields’ knowledge and push forward manufacturing processes with new technologies. Today, in the era of digital fabrication, computer aided manufacturing and the culture of DIY, architects take over means of production again, and ask to form new building technologies.

During the class, students will learn about the most novel technologies in digital fabrication in architecture. Every class, students will be introduces with different digital fabrication methods by guest lecturers – architects, designers and makers. The students will work in pairs, and will need to produce architectural elements themselves with different techniques. For the final assignment, students will need to form a research question, and test it by production with few of the methods they learned. During the workshop, students will discuss theoretical and moral questions in the new digital age: the author, labor in architecture and the architect place in the making process.