Picture Books Illustration | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Picture Books Illustration

Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 17:00

Picture Books Illustration- using hand-drawn illustration techniques The studio combine two goals which complement and support each other: The first and main goal is to create a picture book in which the illustrations are not merely a decoration but actually tell the story, expand and interpret it. We’ll discuss sequential storytelling , visual interpretation of texts and text-image relations. In order to create and complete a picture book, the students will deal with designing characters and places, how to control the pace of the story, format, typography, communication vs. innovation etc. The second goal of the course is to enable the student to practice and specialize in a hand-drawn illustration techniques of their choice. The course will be accompanied by lectures, meetings with artists and two workshops: lettering and book binding.