Game Art | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Game Art

Total Hours
Semester A
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 17:00

This deep dive course focuses on the process of building and designing a video game world; Creating visual elements which excel in quick and efficient communication of narrative, emotionally engaging audiences as well as providing high usability: a mixture of requirements that is unique to interactive, story-based media. During the course we will construct an exciting and cohesive world proposition which contains, but not limited to: Characters, environments and objects, UI elements, start screens and titles.


The students will experience a predefined process of designing and presenting their game world, introduced to the unique challenges of designing worlds for games (of technical and narrative natures), explore different genres' rules and how these are expressed in video games, and ultimately combine cutting edge visual ideas with advanced design methods in order to achieve groundbreaking designs, which build on influential designs of past and present.