"Explainer" - information in motion | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

"Explainer" - information in motion

Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 17:00


"Explainer" is the name of a popular genre of web videos, which, as the English name suggests, are meant to explain.

Explain what? Explain any topic, idea or concept in any field, explain the news and current events, explain complex social phenomena and also explain the little things and everyday experiences of us all. Web videos, and "explainers" in particular, are a fertile ground for design creativity, original visuals, and a combination of diverse narrative and creative practices to create short, clear, and memorable videos.



The course will go through a practical and in-depth way through each of the stations of the "Explainer"'s creative process: data collection, conceptual development and script writing, storyboarding, visual language formulation, and finally animation, photography and video editing and motion design. In each of the stations we will examine different techniques, practices and methodologies through which content can be created; We will delve into storytelling and the infinite variety of ways to tell a story in video, learn to combine infographics in motion and video, and demonstrate the designer's central role in the process of working on videos of this kind.



To expose students to the principles and characteristics of the field of video on the web, by creating a practical "Explainer". The course consists of a number of short assignments, which are built towards a concluding exercise. During the course we will look at examples, analyze, discuss, and meet guests and experts in a variety of disciplines from the online content industry.