About Us Faculty Courses Contact Us News Departmental News & Events Events Calendar All events Tomorrow's events Events for the coming week Events in the coming month 26.12.24 Conference | Visual Communication as a Civil Action Department of Visual Communication Master's in Visual Communication Conferences & Seminars 8.8.24 – 21.8.24 Bezalel Graduate Exhibition תערוכת בוגרי/ות בצלאל معرض خريجات وخريجي بتسلئيل Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni Architecture Department of Screen-Based Arts 3.7.24 – 3.10.24 Exhibition | I Left Behind, a home Department of Visual Communication Illustration Exhibition Collaborations 30.5.24 Kotz Magazine Launch Collaborations Events Department of Visual Communication 27.5.24 – 10.6.24 Illustration Prizes Exhibition for 2023–2024 Illustration Department of Visual Communication Exhibition 9.5.24 – 27.5.24 PlayTest | Exhibition of games Department of Visual Communication Exhibition 9.5.24 – 22.5.24 Exhibition | We have to make a comic out of it! Department of Visual Communication Exhibition Illustration 2.5.24 Guest Lecture | Mitya Kharshak - Contemporary Design of Cultural Institutions Department of Visual Communication Master's in Visual Communication Guest Lectures 24.4.24 – 27.4.24 Fanzines Exhibition: Self-Published Urban Papers Department of Visual Communication Exhibition 27.3.24 Wrapping Memory | Exhibition Closing Event Department of Visual Communication Exhibition Illustration 10.1.24 A lecture by Daniel Grumer: Stone, Paper, Iron Department of Visual Communication 2.1.24 Night as the Day Does Shine | Gallery talk at the ׳Wrapping Memory׳ exhibition Emergency Initiatives Department of Visual Communication Events
26.12.24 Conference | Visual Communication as a Civil Action Department of Visual Communication Master's in Visual Communication Conferences & Seminars
8.8.24 – 21.8.24 Bezalel Graduate Exhibition תערוכת בוגרי/ות בצלאל معرض خريجات وخريجي بتسلئيل Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni Architecture Department of Screen-Based Arts
3.7.24 – 3.10.24 Exhibition | I Left Behind, a home Department of Visual Communication Illustration Exhibition Collaborations
27.5.24 – 10.6.24 Illustration Prizes Exhibition for 2023–2024 Illustration Department of Visual Communication Exhibition
9.5.24 – 22.5.24 Exhibition | We have to make a comic out of it! Department of Visual Communication Exhibition Illustration
2.5.24 Guest Lecture | Mitya Kharshak - Contemporary Design of Cultural Institutions Department of Visual Communication Master's in Visual Communication Guest Lectures
24.4.24 – 27.4.24 Fanzines Exhibition: Self-Published Urban Papers Department of Visual Communication Exhibition
27.3.24 Wrapping Memory | Exhibition Closing Event Department of Visual Communication Exhibition Illustration
2.1.24 Night as the Day Does Shine | Gallery talk at the ׳Wrapping Memory׳ exhibition Emergency Initiatives Department of Visual Communication Events