News חדשות أخبارنا Results List 5.1.25 Shoham Campagnano, Roni Arbel and Maayan Goldberg are the winners of the prestigious Global Footwear Awards Competition Department of Jewelry & Fashion Awards & Accolades Media Publications Alumni 3.1.25 Anatomical Illustration by Ziv Lenzner published in Prestigious International Journal Science Department of Screen-Based Arts Lecturers Awards & Accolades Media Publications 2.1.25 Announcing the Winners of the 2024 Hanukkiah and Sevivon Competition Donation by Raanan and Nicole Agos Awards & Accolades Cross Academic 1.1.25 Bezalel 2024 | End of Year Review Cross Academic 1.1.25 Haaretz | My Father Photographed and I Followed Him: Joy and Pain, Beauty and Flaws Amit Soffer uses the camera as a way of dealing life Department of Photography Media Publications Students Work 31.12.24 Bezalel Graduates are Winners of the Ministry of Culture Prizes in the Field of Art Department of Fine Arts Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts Department of Visual Communication 26.12.24 Prof. Yehudit Sasportas, Bezalel Senior Lecturer, Honored with 2024 Zila Yaron Prize Presented by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Mishkan Museum of Art, Ein Harod Department of Fine Arts Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers Awards & Accolades 18.12.24 Final Project 'Breaking News' Wins Grand Prize at the Boston FIG Festival Department of Visual Communication Alumni Awards & Accolades Collaborations 16.12.24 Portfolio | The Jewish Museum in New York Acquires Ruth Patir’s Video Installation commissioned for the Venice Biennale Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Media Publications Lecturers 11.12.24 Ohad Milstein is the Winner of the Ministry of Culture Prize to Encourage Creativity in the Field of Cinema Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers 10.12.24 Unprecedented Achievement: All Edmond de Rothschild Award Winners Are Bezalel Alumni and Lecturers Prof. Merav Salomon, Michal Sahar, Yoav Perry, Almog Sella and Itamar Toren (True Twins) Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Lecturers Alumni 1.12.24 Open call | annual Menorahs and Dreidels Competition Call for Applications Cross Academic Department of Industrial Design Pagination ‹‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ››
5.1.25 Shoham Campagnano, Roni Arbel and Maayan Goldberg are the winners of the prestigious Global Footwear Awards Competition Department of Jewelry & Fashion Awards & Accolades Media Publications Alumni
3.1.25 Anatomical Illustration by Ziv Lenzner published in Prestigious International Journal Science Department of Screen-Based Arts Lecturers Awards & Accolades Media Publications
2.1.25 Announcing the Winners of the 2024 Hanukkiah and Sevivon Competition Donation by Raanan and Nicole Agos Awards & Accolades Cross Academic
1.1.25 Haaretz | My Father Photographed and I Followed Him: Joy and Pain, Beauty and Flaws Amit Soffer uses the camera as a way of dealing life Department of Photography Media Publications Students Work
31.12.24 Bezalel Graduates are Winners of the Ministry of Culture Prizes in the Field of Art Department of Fine Arts Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts Department of Visual Communication
26.12.24 Prof. Yehudit Sasportas, Bezalel Senior Lecturer, Honored with 2024 Zila Yaron Prize Presented by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Mishkan Museum of Art, Ein Harod Department of Fine Arts Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers Awards & Accolades
18.12.24 Final Project 'Breaking News' Wins Grand Prize at the Boston FIG Festival Department of Visual Communication Alumni Awards & Accolades Collaborations
16.12.24 Portfolio | The Jewish Museum in New York Acquires Ruth Patir’s Video Installation commissioned for the Venice Biennale Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Media Publications Lecturers
11.12.24 Ohad Milstein is the Winner of the Ministry of Culture Prize to Encourage Creativity in the Field of Cinema Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers
10.12.24 Unprecedented Achievement: All Edmond de Rothschild Award Winners Are Bezalel Alumni and Lecturers Prof. Merav Salomon, Michal Sahar, Yoav Perry, Almog Sella and Itamar Toren (True Twins) Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Lecturers Alumni
1.12.24 Open call | annual Menorahs and Dreidels Competition Call for Applications Cross Academic Department of Industrial Design