Arch. Ohad Sorek | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Arch. Ohad Sorek

Architect, lecturer, doctoral student, and researcher. Teaches at Bezalel since 2015 in studio courses, spatial thinking and theoretical courses. Ohad's practical expertise ranges in scales - as an architect in the Senior Planning Division at the National Planning Administration, he designs national planning policies, and as an independent architect he works at the scale of the building, man and his environment. His theoretical expertise is in architectural theory, with special interest in theories of conceptual architecture in the second half of the 20th century. 

Ohad's research focuses on what he calls "Hebraic architecture." In his research, Ohad collects, analyzes, decomposes and reconstructs texts from the Bible and the Sages in an attempt to find within them spatial conceptions, positions on planning, and unique characteristics of the Jewish architectural tradition, whose great lack in material tradition is compensated by coherent, continuous, rich and complex discourses on relevant topics.

Ohad is a graduate of the Department of Architecture with honors at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (2014) and a Master of Architecture Summa Cum Laude in Tel Aviv University (2019). During his master’s degree he was awarded a scholarship for outstanding scholars of the Azrieli Foundation, for writing his thesis "The Biblical City Archetype in the Garden of Eden: Sacred Space as a Model for the Public Sphere."

His is one of the founders of the "Krach" reading club in the Department of Architecture, and "Merhav" forum for promoting of the quality of public space planning in Israel. He writes, edits, and translates text in architecture.

.stereotomy - cardboard model, Ohad Sorek, 2013