Bodyscapes between humans and animals | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Bodyscapes between humans and animals

Total Hours
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 16:00

In her book When Species Meet, Donna Haraway examines the interactions of humans with different species of animals, and especially domesticated ones - from engineered pets to laboratory animals and trained care dogs. She examines the philosophical, cultural and biological aspects of encounters between animals and humans.

The proposed course seeks to provide the theoretical background and practical framework for examining the various ways in which the fields of art and design examine the encounters between humans, nature and animals - both domesticated and wildlife, with an emphasis on examining the relationship between body (animal, human) and their environment.

The course delves into the concept of "embodiment" and the concepts of "body" and "corpus" as an organizing structure. It examines the connection between humans and nature, animals and plants, and how they use the body image to map the knowledge they have accumulated about their world. We will get to know artists who are interested in topics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, ecology and social power structures, focusing on the body and its connection to the landscape and animal species as a subject, as a creative tool or as a site of occurrences.