Conference | Visual Communication as a Civil Action | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Conference | Visual Communication as a Civil Action


The Department of Visual Communication and the Master's Program in Visual Communication invites to the conference  'Visual Communication as a Civil Action'.

Organizing Committee: Dana Gez, Dr. Naomi Meiri Dan, Dr. Hagit Keysar, Ruti Kantor, Prof. Anat Katsir

Thursday | December 26, 2024 | 9:00 - Full schedule below
Russell Berry Auditorium, Floor -2
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Campus, 1 Zmora St., Jerusalem


09:00-09:15 – Gathering and Refreshments
09:15-09:30 – Opening words - Dana Gez, Dr. Hagit Keysar

09:30-10:30 Session 1 - Imagination, Images, Collectives

Chair: Dr. Hagit Keysar

Training the Political Imagination to Go Visiting
Dr. Norma Musih

Protest Photography: The Visual Infrastructure of Sustained Protest
Dr. Ruti Ginzburg, Dory Ben Alon

Kites in Gaza Skies: Protest and Resistance in Palestinian Children's Literature
Dr. Loaay Wattad

11:00-12:00 – Session 2 - Zol VeBegadol: Commemoration, Replication, Recycling

Chair: Dr. Norma Musih

The Sticker’s Lament
Tami Berenstein

Digitizing the Ephemeral in Public Space
Dr. Yael Netzer

Putting the "T" in Politics: From Ideology to Merchandising
Itay Yaacov

12:00-13:00 – Roundtable Panel - Actions and Interventions

Moderator: Dana Gez

Participants: Sawsan Masarwa, Oren Ailam, Shelly Satat-Kombor, Ayal Zakin

13:00-14:00 - Lunch Break

14:00-14:45 – Session 3 - History of design, design history

Chair: Dr. Ofri Cnaani

Visual Politics in Weimar
Dr. Igor Aronov

Isotypes: Otto and Marie Neurath's Visual Education
Dr. Gal Hertz

14:45-15:30 – Roundtable Panel - A Fitting Illustrated Response

Moderator: Shoham Smit

Participants: Amit Trainin, Orit Bergman, Ilana Zeffren

16:00-17:30 – Visual Communication as a Civil Commitment - PechaKucha by Graduates

Introductory words: Ruti Kantor

Participants: Tamar Moshinsky, Carmel Harari, Ella Moscovitz, Tal Maimon & Morin Glimmer, Gal Shainerman, Alon Boutboul & Eden Fainberg-Sabach, Tal Sharon

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