Guest Lecture | The City in the Nuclear Age: From Infrastructure to Prophecy | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Guest Lecture | The City in the Nuclear Age: From Infrastructure to Prophecy

Dr. Arch. Eliyahu Keller

The Master's Program in Urban Design invites the public to the 'Urban Imaginations and City Form' Colloquium Series third session - "The City in the Nuclear Age: From Infrastructure to Prophecy", by Dr. Arch. Eliyahu Keller.

Dr. Arch. Eliyahu Keller, an architectural historian and a senior lecturer at the Technion Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.

Series host & coordinator: Arch. Shira Noy Goren

Wendsday | January 22, 2025 | 18:30
Room 211
The School of Architecture
Bezalel st. 1, Jerusalem


Norbert Wiener's idea of "life belts", 1950
from "How U.S. Cities Can Prepare for Atomic War: MIT Professors Suggest a Bold Plan to Prevent Panic and Limit Destruction"
LIFE Magazine, 18 December 1950

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